Leaf Hell, Missoula, Montana-Style

I take a lot of grief from my friends, usually payback for something I’ve said to them.Some complain about my yard-care practices, which is pretty much to leave my house in Ennis to nature, and to procrastinate when it comes to my yard in Missoula.

Picking up and getting rid of fall leaves in Missoula is a task taken on by the masses. This is Tree City, afterall, and my yard does not escape the wrath, with two giant maples resting overhead. But this year I got me … game together and had most of the leaves out to the street—a five or six-hour task—on November 5. I thought that the leaf cleanup crew was coming by our street on the 7th, but they arrived on the 6th and I still had a mass of leaves in the yard.

They were scattered about, some here, some there. Until a storm blew in two nights ago. We had wind gusts in the 55 mile an hour range with blowing snow. And guess what happened? That storm arranged those delinquent leaves into nice little attentive piles. Now all I have to do is get out there and bag them before the next big wind arrives. Missoula life.

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