Ok, so not everyone can own a book that comes with a price tag of a hundred bucks, but anyone who holds a fascination for Atlantic salmon ought to cough up the money for this one, if you haven’t already.
This is the book on Atlantic salmon and you can’t turn through the pages without saying, “I’ve got to do that at least once in my life.” That’s why this book is now the recipient of four big book awards for author and salmon enthusiast Topher Brown.
This also is the book that made me set sights on Quebec’s Gaspe Peninsula in September, having read the entries on the Grand Cascapedia and the Bonaventure River. The images of those streams, alone, make you want to go, and Brown’s words make it seem possible. This would be a good gift so put it on your Christmas list and see whether you’re really loved or not. You can order direct from Wild River Press at wildriverpress.com or call 425-486-3638