I thought about putting this post together on my own, telling you which are my favorite Northwest winter steelhead flies, but it’s already been done, and
done well at that, by the Fly Shop in Welches, Oregon. Most of the patterns they discuss here
are my go-to’s also.
A few that they left out, that definitely appear in my boxes, are the black, orange and pink Pick-Yer-Pocket and the old Egg-Sucking Leech tied with a black rabbit strip and lead eyes. An acquaintance of mine called it the Dredger. I just call it Mr. Dangerous because if this thing hits you in the back of the head on a forward cast your’e going to feel it. Enjoy this little clip. Hopefully it solves some of the mystery of which flies to use on those big NW rives and inspires you to sit down at the bench for a spell to turn out some of these gems.
NOTE: Let me know if we’ve missed any of your favorites and, if so, what they are. Thanks.
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