Brownzillas of the Yellowstone
If you’ve had your head in the sand you may not have seen what recently came out of the Yellowstone River— a massive 27-inch brown. The fish was taken on a white sculpin, which is a pattern and a color that takes most of the Yellowstone’s largest trout.
This fish isn’t a fluke. The Yellowstone boots out fish like this all year long, but it seems to me—admittedly I’m not an expert on the Yellowstone—that more large fish are landed during late winter and early spring than any other time. And that’s your prompt. If you can, hit the Yellowstone now as it’s on the drop and before it blows out during the next spell of warm weather you’ve got a good chance to take fish ranging between 18 and 24 inches. It’s snowing in southwest Montana right now and the weather is expected to be cool for the next four or five days. The caddis hatch has started on the Yellowstone and any day might offer really good dry fly opportunity. But, if it doesn’t, just pick up your streamer rod and get those sculpins down deep. One big fish a day should keep you happy. A fish like the one in these photos could make your life.
Your best best bet for a day on the ‘stone is to book a trip through George Anderson’s Yellowstone Angler (special thanks to YS Angler for the photos here). Contact them at