Fly fishing western Montana, for cutthroats

Couldn’t help myself yesterday. Had to get out on a water that I grew fond of last year, to see what was shaking. That half the state’s rivers are blown out didn’t set me back. I packed gear, said no to dinner and drink offers, and headed out with a box of dries and a five-weight.

When I reached the creek it was clear but ripping. Where were the fish I wondered? Not in the usual spots. They were probably at the bottom of the deepest pools letting the current fly by overhead. Long story short, I didn’t find many fish. I caught a brown, which surprised me, and missed two nice cutthroats, one that would have stretched 17 inches long. No hatch, so I just went with attractors.

I did make a push for a hole that I thought might hold half the fish in the creek, but I took a bad angle from the road and ended up in Cambodia. Dense, mosquito laden with something very big and very fast running through the  brush next to me. When it appeared it was big and black … a young moose. It tore through the brush and launched into the stream. I fell over logs and brush and finally made it to the water. For what? Nothing. The hole was blown and I didn’t get a single rise. Didn’t get a grab on nymphs either. I’m off to Alaska for 10 days but when I return this thing ought to be in prime shape, with fish located where they are supposed to be. Looking forward to it. A few photos from yesterday.

Little guy eating a peacock trude.


That was some brush to break through.

Found this broken "egg" on the banks. Brought it back and gave it to my friend's daughter, Stella.

Little dude on the move.

I'll see you in two weeks. Now drop sucka'.


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