Wanted all of you to know of a sweet deal to take advantage of—if you can get a quick shorepass and head to the Bahamas on Monday.
Earlier today I spoke with Oliver White from Nervous Waters who said a cancellation has forced him to cut the price of a weeklong Abaco Lodge bonefishing trip (Monday through Friday) in half! You have to bring a friend or a few friends, as there is room for four, but two would be fine also. The numbers that don’t work are one person or three persons.
This is something you should take advantage of. Abaco sits right on the Marls, which is one of the richest bonefish grounds
on earth. When fishing the Marls you get lots of shots at singles and doubles, plus the occasional school of 20. These fish aren’t supersized but what they lack in that department they make up in numbers and there is very little pressure on them—get it front of them and they’ll eat. If you do this trip you’ll be fishing with some of the best guides on the planet, my two favorites being David Tate and Marty Sawyer. Spend only a few hours with Marty and you’ll never forget him.

Armando Pagliari and David Tate hoisting a great bone from Abaco Island, Bahamas. More to show after today as we’re targeting some big fish. Based out of Abaco Lodge.
Bonefish aren’t the only game in town. When I visited in February some clients saw a few permit. We saw plenty of sharks and, in retrospect, should have spent more time targeting them. We did throw at some barracuda and I landed one that may have weighed 35 or 40 pounds.
All in all, bonefishing at Abaco is a great experience and this half-price deal shouldn’t be missed. Grab a bud and head on over there. Give me a quick e-mail if you want more details (greg@anglerstonic.com)