Rene Harrop has fished east Idaho’s Henry’s Fork River his entire life. He’s gone toe to toe with all those big rainbows in Box Canyon, outwitted those bankside risers in the Harriman Ranch, mastered those Wood Road giants, and wrecked rainbows and browns on the lower river during evening caddis hatches and other notable insect emergences. So, when someone puts together a Henry’s Fork Fly Fishing forecast and his name is Rene Harrop, people listen. Following is Harrop’s 2013 forecast, poached from the pages of TroutHunter fly shop, which sits on the banks of the Henry’s Fork in Last Chance. Read this if you’re thinking about fishing the Fork this

Fishing the Henry’s Fork during a summer evening, with mayflies dancing around and trout rising in front, is one of our sport’s quintessential experiences.
summer, or if you just want to read about a cool river that you should be fishing this summer.
2013 Looking Forward by Rene Harrop
For several decades, it has been generally understood that fishing on the Henry’s Fork is shaped during the season when the least amount of opportunity is available. And while it is true that seasonal closures on some stretches of the river can provide relief to beleaguered trout that must withstand near constant human disruption for nearly half of the year, it is the influence of winter weather patterns that largely determine the status of
the fishery. Even in late April one takes a serious risk in pronouncing the end of a winter essentially free of extremes in temperature or precipitation, but a 70 degree day and a good caddis hatch nudge caution aside just enough to take a chance…. READ MORE