Tag Archives: carp
Travis Morris’ 29-pound carp at Blackfoot Reservoir
Thought we’d show you what swims in Blackfoot Reservoir in Idaho, where the soon to be held Fin Chasers Carp Classic occurs. This pig, a 30-pounder, was taken by Travis Morris during last year’s two-day fly-fishing tournament. Big as it … Continue reading
Fin Chasers Carp Classic 2012 ready to roll
Met up with Brooks Montgomery a few days ago at the Orvis Guide Rendezvous in Missoula and he gave me the dirt on Carpapalooza 2012, technically known as the Fin Chasers Carp Classic. I’m telling you, if you want to … Continue reading
Fishermen yanking 40 million pounds of carp from Utah Lake
I thought this was pretty interesting piece and figured you would, too. Crazy. Now, what is 7 million times ten cents. Hmm. Maybe I should be buying a little commercial boat and heading south…GOSHEN BAY — Commercial fishermen in a … Continue reading
Image of The Week: Hello Nasty
I’ve had my nose in the air for a while and wouldn’t listen to people telling me I should throw for carp. But that’s kindof what I did a couple weeks ago when I fished the Missouri River and didn’t get … Continue reading
Eastern Idaho Carp Classic 7
Big fun, big fish on Idaho’s Blackfoot Reservoir. Wanted to let all of you know that an event is taking place in eastern Idaho that shouts-out to all who love warmwater fishing