Tag Archives: Madison River
Spring at Varney Bridge
Madison River rainbows at Varney Bridge. As access points go, Varney Bridge on the Madison River is likely one of the most heavily used in the state. That doesn’t mean there aren’t good fish to be found in the area … Continue reading
Brian O’Keefe: Free Lunch Grizzly Bar
Slinging on the Madison in the 1970s. By Brian O’Keefe I think it was ‘round 1978, I was doing a solo trip to Montana after guiding steelhead on the North Umpqua River in Oregon. Thousands of casts and a handful … Continue reading
Fall Browns on Montana’s Madison River
Wind, gear-chuckers, and high afternoon sun? No worries—sink the hopper and slay. Walked upstram and found more of the same, but I did discover a few little sidechannels that must not have looked too good to the gear guys because I … Continue reading
The Western Spruce Month Fly Fishing Blitz
The West’s New Spruce Moth Blitz NOTE: This article previously appeared in Fly Fisherman Magazine. Thought you still might glean some valuable information from these words. If I remember correctly, some people were pissed to see the spruce moth hatch … Continue reading
Madison River Salmonflies
Hatch Imminent. It’s stonefly time in southwest Montana and judging by the number of salmonfly and golden stonefly nymphs along the banks of the Madison River, those bugs are going to pop in the next couple days. And the river … Continue reading
Drink of The Week: Moscow Mule
Moscow Mule I’m sitting in the Melrose Bar a couple weeks ago. It’s 8 a.m. and all of a sudden some copper mug rocks off its post and clanks on the floor. My friend grabs his head and says “Ouch.” … Continue reading
The Madison River Gorge
Crazy ice every winter. Each year, typically in November, the Madison River backs up with ice and overflows its banks, the river creating new channels and winding through farm fields. In the
Spring, Montana, Madison
The Madison Ramble I grew up in Seattle back when Seattle had really bad weather. It’s no wonder that Seattle produces so many serial killers—that gray and soaking rain is a real bummer and there are times when depression penetrates … Continue reading
Montana giant trout on streamers. Now Time!
A Jefferson Drift It’s spring in Montana, although we’re supposed to get some major snow tomorrow. May hit the Madison anyway because the fishing is too good right now not to be on the water, no matter what’s falling from … Continue reading
Madison River Spring Rainbows
Fly Fishing Montana’s Madison River in March It’s been a while since I’ve thrown a rod. I got in a redfish trip during January, but that was short-lived and only gave a little flavor sample of what that Florida fishery … Continue reading