Here’s your chance to help answer the $64,000 Question, “Are our fish, their fish?” Is it possible that the giant tarpon we see late in the summer every year in Belize are the same fish anglers see in the Florida Keys in May and June?
In July of 2013, for the first time in history, you can become an elite member of an expedition that will help unlock the answers to the global tarpon migration code.

Big migratory tarpon invade Belize in July and August. Fish to 200 pounds are possible. If you want to catch one like this 100-plus pounder, taken in Belize in 2006, and help science while you’re at it, visit El Pescador Lodge in July. If you catch a tarpon and implant a tag in it, you’ll be able to track that fishe’s movement for six months. How cool is that?
Join Adam Marton, self-professed Chicago tarpon enthusiast and conservationist, at Belize’s El Pescador Lodge and Villas for this first ever Tarpon Tagging Expedition. Armed with the most technologically advanced PAT and SPOT satellite tags, the goal of the expedition is to land, successfully tag, and release two adult tarpon that migrate annually through the world renowned Long Key zone of the Northern Belize Fishery.
After the tagged tarpon are successfully released, scientists from the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science will be able to study global movements, habitat and behavior of the fish for up to six months. The results of the accumulated data will ultimately be used to enable fisheries managers, anglers and government officials from around the globe to make even more intelligent decisions about how to properly manage tarpon populations. All this will help ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to enjoy the silver king.
After careful consideration of annual migration patterns, optimal moon and tidal phases, the selected dates are July 10-17, 2013. The cost for this seven-night/six-day fishing and tagging expedition is $3,150 per angler based on double occupancy and a shared guide.
For more details or to make your reservation, please contact Frontiers Travel at – 1-800-245-1950 or visit,_Belize?blast