Tag Archives: Belize
April or May for Blue Horizon Permit
Just got a note yesterday from Blue Horizon lodge, with some open and discounted rates for spring 2023. I spent some time at Blue Horizon not long ago and simply loved the focus on permit. Staying at Blue Horizon is … Continue reading
El Pesador Lodge’s Tarpon Tagging Expedition
Here’s your chance to help answer the $64,000 Question, “Are our fish, their fish?” Is it possible that the giant tarpon we see late in the summer every year in Belize are the same fish anglers see in the Florida … Continue reading
Yellowdog Fly Fishing Adventures screaming deal
Yellowdog’s Screaming Deal at Turneffe Flats Lodge Tough time to be away from the Rockies. I know that from experience; I just got back from five weeks in Seattle, British Columbia and Alaska; and, a few years ago, I took … Continue reading
Trashfishing Turneffe Atoll, Belize
There’s nothing wrong with guided trips. In many cases, a guide is absolutely necessary, a man or woman to navigate a boat, to tie the proper knots and leaders, a person who can point to the proper three-foot square surface