Great Days on the Dean River, British Columbia

I lied. Too much good stuff going on when I was fishing the Dean. Couldn’t find the time to write. Was up at 3:45 a.m. for the first couple days, grabbing Cut Bank before anyone else could. Then fatigue set in (either that or I spent a little too much time at the Canada Day party on the beach) and I went to the regular routine of hitting the water at 6 .m. sharp.

We didn’t hit big numbers on the Dean but we had enough chances, in my opinion. A couple shots a day at oversized fish. Kings ranging to we-couldn’t-land-them proportion, and steelhead that people would call the fish of a lifetime. These fish were coming in on the tides and were so hot it was amazing. I had one king peel 250 yards off my reel and run to the other side of the river before I slacked off it and gained some line. I lost that fish

Griz was about this year and we had a couple interesting encounters that you will read about later. This beautiful bear appeared on a log behind me one day, then moved on.

before ever seeing it. But that paled in comparison to Dana Sturn and his epic hour and eleven minute fight with a king that he never got a good look at. You have to guess that fish weighed 40 pounds or more, possibly 50 or better. A few pics for y0u to see here, and more on the trip coming up.

Dana Sturn, founder of Spey Pages, releasing a bright king on the last night of the trip.

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