Category Archives: Sports
First Mountain Bike Ride
It’s early for mountain biking, but I still should have started in on road work a month or more ago. I took the bike out for a first of the year spin and my legs were barking before I got … Continue reading
The Winning NCAA Bracket
Just thought I’d share the winning bracket with you. Well, at least I hope this is the winning bracket. Certainly it doesn’t include the conventional pick (Kentucky) or my homer pick (Gonzaga). But this gives you a shot at winning … Continue reading
How Did That Happen—Seahawks Headed to The Super Bowl
Being a Northwest guy it should be no surprise that I was locked into the NFC championship game yesterday. Probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I did manage to break a kitchen chair when the Packers tied the game up … Continue reading
The Sawmill Gulch Spider Attack
Rolling down Sawmill Gulch, probably going 25 mph and I look up and this thing is hanging in mid-air right in the middle of a super narrow single track trail. I wanted to lock up the brakes on my mountain … Continue reading
NCAA Tournament Bracket 2013—the winning picks
It’s that time of year and though I haven’t watched as much basketball this year as in past years, I still have a pretty good sense of who has a legitimate shot at the title. I don’t put as much … Continue reading
Snowboarding in Montreal
I checked this out last night and I am seriously thinking about getting my bindings fixed, buying a helmet, and heading down to Lost Trail Pass to shred. I haven’t boarded in, like, three or four years, but I used … Continue reading
Let The Training Begin for Mountain Biking 2013
I am not a bad ass. These guys are bad asses. That or they are stupid. Actually, I applaud these guys for challenging their bravery and being great athletes. Check out this Red Bull downhill mountain biking event and you’ll … Continue reading
Classic Sonics/Classic Rainier Beer Commercial
You probably won’t get this video unless you grew up in Seattle in the 1970s and 1980s when Bill The Beerman was revving up crowds, leading cheers, selling beer, and becoming a local icon. That was when the Seahawks were … Continue reading
GT’s Final Four Winning Picks
Want to be saying, I told you so, when One Shining Moment is playing on Monday night? Well, I wouldn’t place the family fortune on my picks at Vegas, but you could make some simple side-bets with friends and stand … Continue reading
GT’s Winning 2012 NCAA Bracket Picks
That time of year, right, and I’m coming in just a couple hours before the bell rings and March Madness begins again. Haven’t watched the sheer number of games I used to, but I have a pretty good feel for … Continue reading