Tag Archives: fishpond
Best Products From the IFTD Show
A little belated here, but I thought all of you would want to know who won awards at the ICAST/IFTD show held in Las Vegas in early July. IFTD New Product Showcase Winners:
fishpond’s Westwater Collection
FishPond rolled out it’s Westwater Collection at the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show in Reno this past August and I decided that I had to have the Westwater Guide Lumbar Pack. Here’s why: Since I wore a Patagonia hiking-specific fanny … Continue reading
fishPond’s Elk River Youth Vest
A sweet vest for kids and a first test on Ennis Lake. I was on Ennis Lake this last week, taking advantage of the great weather before the snow arrived. Took the girls with me two straight days and we … Continue reading
fishPond’s Wildhorse Tech-Pack
All Day Capacity I spent last winter wandering around western Washington with this pack on my back, casting to sea-run cutthroats and chasing steelhead on big rivers. At first I was ready to dismiss the pack as a burden, but
Fishpond’s Yellowstone Wader Duffel
Massive Gear Storage from fishpond Last September, after the Fly Fishing Retailer trade show in Denver, I wandered west to Carbondale where Kara Armano from Backbone Media put me up at a local bed and breakfast. She also delivered a stack … Continue reading
Fishpond’s Dakota Carry-On
Don’t think that Fishpond’s new Dakota Carry-On is just for overhead rod storage during commercial plane flights. Instead, this solidly built case is equally adept at keeping gear safe and handy while drifting down a river or flying in a … Continue reading