Tag Archives: Fly fishing Montana
MT Rivers on the Drop
You can still find some muddy water in Montana, and maybe we’re still a week out on the Clark Fork, but some of the smaller waters are falling nicely, running mostly clear and if not wadable all the way across, … Continue reading
Some Guides Oppose Bitterroot Sidechannel Closure
Most Montana anglers would agree that the Bitterroot River is one of the state’s most dangerous floats, mostly because the riverbed changes each year and scads of woody debris clogs some portions of the river. To put it bluntly, you … Continue reading
Groups Sue USFW Over Big Hole Grayling
Montana’s Big Hole River is probably my favorite, for too many reasons to list here. However, I will offer a couple: first, it offers the opportunity to catch a mega brown or rainbow trout on any given cast, it seems … Continue reading
You Write the Caption—7
I think one of the best things about fly-fishing is getting out in the country to see all there is to see. And part of that, for me, is wildlife. I love watching animals and have, some would say, wasted … Continue reading
You Write The Caption—6
Two of my best buds in the world are pictured here. Their home water is the Bitterroot, and that is where this picture was taken, regrettably, without me in the equation. Fact is, I don’t know when this image was … Continue reading
You Write The Caption—5
Anaconda Settling Ponds. Such a nice ring to it, right? As beautiful as the Hoh, Deschutes, Stinking, and Popo Agie. River names. Lake names. Got to love them. This shot was taken at the Settling Ponds in near Anaconda, Montana … Continue reading
You Write The Caption 3
I took this shot on Montana’s Ruby River, just downstream from Ruby Reservoir. Lots of good fish in this stretch, mostly browns ranging between 14 and 17 inches with a few toads thrown in on the side. What do you … Continue reading