Category Archives: Culture
Is There a Best Fly Fishing Magazine?
Been laying on my back today for all the wrong reasons. Surgery Monday, pain Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Better today, but I’m bored to hell. I don’t sit well and sitting on my ass is all I’ve done for three … Continue reading
Tactics to Catch Steelhead on Bright Days
I was going to wait, and run this post later in July, but I’m starting to hear of some steelhead coming up for skaters on a few Columbia River tributaries and figured, Why not now? Here goes: A lot of … Continue reading
Best Coffee For Fly Fishing: Early Riser Makes Its Case
You can find and buy good coffee almost anywhere these days, by the cup or the bag. Grocery store, retail coffee chain, online . . . caffein is everywhere and I’m a sucker for it, too. I prefer not to … Continue reading
Adventure: The Wind Rivers and a Mexi-Shack Miracle
The last time I tried to survive on trout for a week, a major summer storm blew into the mountains and temperatures dropped below freezing. A three-season tent and a down sleeping bag kept me alive, but a trio of … Continue reading
Best Offroad Tires for Hunting and Fishing
Summer is here and that means fall is quickly to come, and most of us will be out on the land fishing and hunting through it all. We may be restricted to our home waters and state borders—for the most … Continue reading
Kelly Galloup’s Favorite Streamer Flies
The water is up this weekend and some rivers probably aren’t fishable at this time. Others will be on the marginal side, but may offer some opportunities to fish streamers. All you need is a foot or two of visibility … Continue reading
Get Bent To The Cork Fly Fishing Newsletter #2
Just letting you know that the second edition of Bent To The Cork, the newsletter I put together for American Angler, is now available. Hustle over to to sign up for delivery to your inbox. In this month’s newsletter … Continue reading
All Time 10 Best Fly-Fishing Nymphs for the Rocky Mountains
Opinions on the greatest nymphs of all time are as ubiquitous as the people who now fish them. In fact, over time nymphs have only gained popularity as anglers learn that trout conduct 90 percent of their feeding under the … Continue reading
Best Montana Fly Fishing Trips—South Fork Flathead River
It’s time to start dreaming about the best summer fly fishing trips for 2020, and if we are limited to doing so within our state borders this year, I drew a good card—Montana offers a lifetime of fly-fishing adventure and … Continue reading
Blow Up The Dams—Patagonia airs Dam Nation for Free on YouTube
As most of you know, dams are death to fish and it would be nice if we could get those barriers on Washington’s and Idaho’s Snake River out of the way. That would help to restore fish runs on the … Continue reading